She’s celebrating 25 years at Walmart—and just as many years inspiring others.
Carla Leggett appreciates great customer service.
Whether she’s in a restaurant or at a business, she keeps her eye out for employees providing great service. And then she shares her Walmart story—how she rose from a part-time associate to become a market health and wellness director for the Neighborhood Market Health and Wellness division, overseeing 13 pharmacies. She always encourages people who are doing great work to consider Walmart as a career.
“I’m a cheerleader,” Carla says. “I truly, truly love the company.”
Walmart World asked Carla about her history and her career at Walmart. Here’s what she had to say.
Getting Started
Carla, originally from Bahamas, moved to the U.S. in 1986 at the age of 18 to attend college. In 1996, she got a part-time position around the holidays at Store 1590 in Hialeah, Florida.
“I knew, once I got my feet in the door, that the opportunity was based on me. It was based on my behaviors, based on where I wanted to go, that there was no limit,” says Carla.
While working that holiday season, Carla struck up a conversation with the manager at the store’s vision center. By the beginning of January, she was a full-time associate in the vision center, and within three months, she was the center’s manager. Just about five years later, Carla became the district manager for vision centers in 2001.

Following Opportunity
Since joining Walmart, Carla, a mother of two, has moved with the company seven times, including working for almost five years at several locations in California.
When she had the opportunity to move back east to become a market health and wellness director, she jumped at it—it would make flying back to Bahamas to visit family easier.
She’s been in her current position in Market 488 in South Florida for about five years.
Facing Adversity
Though her career with Walmart has not been without challenges, Carla says she’s always had mentors and managers she can turn to for advice and support.
There were times that their support gave Carla the strength to continue on. Now Carla hopes to help others overcome their own struggles.
“You cannot let a person or people stop you from new growth, because you have a story to tell,” says Carla. “And you can help somebody that is afraid to take that role. I will set the example for someone, regardless of what they're going through, so that they can know that no matter what, you can still pull through.”
Helping People Reach Their Goals
Beyond the opportunities that she’s had at Walmart, Carla says she most values the associates she’s been able to promote and encourage. She still stays in touch with many of them today.
“One of the things that I always tell any associate is that no one in Walmart holds you back,” Carla says. “You get to take the initiative to push forward. It's not just going to fall in your lap.”
Creating Great Customer Service
Carla believes in letting associates share their stories with her, and giving them space to be heard. She hopes that trickles down to how associates treat Walmart’s customers.
“I believe in the three Ws,” Carla says. “The win for the customer, the win for the associate and the win for the company.”